Michaela is a new model, stunning classic looks, great personality with a beautiful smile. She is an absolute dream to work with, from her humor to wanting to be creative, to getting out of her comfort zone.
We have the BEST Beaches in San Diego, yet they are always so crowded on beautiful summer nights, so knowing which one to go to can involve a hike, yet secluded enough to really explore the scenery and get some amazing natural light shots.

Did you know you are NOT allowed to photograph in some areas of town... take a moment to work with people, get to know them and opportunities will present themselves for trying new locations and shots.... even capture those moments during a song when AIR-DRUMs are a THING! Love YOU Michaela!

Family Shoot Day, Michaela helped me out greatly and we decided to capture some other images in this beautiful hidden spot in San Diego.

NEVER Pass up an opportunity at a Wedding to use the surroundings for a mini-shoot.